
Power / Sail (up to 24 ft)
Power / Sail (25 ft to 30 ft)
Power / Sail (over 30 ft to 35 ft)
$1050 seasonal   
$1200 seasonal   
$1500 seasonal   
$200 / month
$225 / month
$275 / month

Season starts May 1st and runs through October 31st. Includes trailer storage. Signed license agreements and insurance required. All slip holders are permitted up to 3 consecutive overnight stays, twice per month at no additional charge. Transient and Full time live aboard arrangements will be considered; inquire for conditions and rates. Monthly rates are available on request.

Electric Rates

15A/125V Convenience
30A/125V Convenience
$25 / month  
$50 / month
$10 / month*   
$25 / month*
$5  / day*
$10 / day*

*Electric power is only connected and used when a vessel is attended; power cable must be disconnected and stowed away when not in use.